Our school whakataukī is a long standing part of who we are here at Te Kura o Pātiki- Rosebank.
‘Haere whakamua’ is derived from the longer whakataukī
‘Haere whakamua, hoki whakamuri’ means moving forward while reflecting back. This whakataukī is a perfect proverb to teach us to overcome hurdles and be resilient, keep trying, and never give up. It also reminds us to reflect on where we have come from, learn from the lessons of the past, and move forward with new understanding. It also connects so well to the Kuaka in our tohu and the attributes this bird displays in its journey across the Pacific.
Our overarching school value is Manaakitanga. Manaakitanga encompasses generosity of spirit, resource, time, and energy. It is manifested through support, kindness and care for others and the environment. At Te Kura o Pātiki- Rosebank, we explain it this way:
Manaaki Mai - Respect for self
At all times, do those things that honour ourselves and our whānau and the values they have
Manaaki Atu - Respect for others
We treat others in the way we would like to be treated
Manaaki i te Taio- Respect for the environment
The environment cares for us, and we care for it
Location | 217 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland 1026
Email | office@rosebank.school.nz
Phone | 09 828 6319
Term 1: Feb 3rd - Whānau Day
Tuesday 4th Feb - Friday 11th April
Term 2: Monday 28th April - Friday 27th June
Term 3: Monday 14th July - Friday 19th September
Term 4: Monday 6th October - Tuesday 16th December