Te Whānau o Pātiki

E rere taku manukura i runga ake rā

Topatopa haere i te maunga o Ōwairaka

Tū te ao, tū te pō

Rere kau ana ki te rohe o Whau

Whau te awa, Whau te pā tāwhito

Tau mai ki whenua o Te Kawerau a Maki

Ko Te Au o te Whenua te Tangata, te rangatira

Tau mai te manu

Tau mai, tau mai, tau mai.

Te Whānau o Pātiki is a reo rua Māori (dual-language) unit that sits within the multi-cultural kura auraki, Rosebank School. It is our aim as a whānau to help each tamaiti realise their potential. We believe this is best done through nurturing the innate mana in each tamaiti in a  learning environment built on tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori and Te Reo Rangatira. By the end of Year 6 students should show the attributes of the kuaka whai mātauranga, manawaroa, manaakitanga and tumaiatanga. Seek after knowledge by thinking critically, be confident, respectful and resilient both here on their own whenua and out in the world.

Pāora Reeder (Kaiako) 

Ngā Pōtiki, Ngati Pukenga, Ngāiterangi, Ngāti Whakaue ki Ohinemutu, Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketu

Paora brings many years of experience in Māori medium education and works hard to build solid relationships with each of our ākonga and their whānau. He uses his sense of humour to relate to the tamariki and instils in each tamaiti pride in being Māori.

Shelby Kiwikiwi (Kaiako - Kahukura) 

Ngāti Kahu, Ngāpuhi

Shelby is a highly organised and passionate educator. She has a strength in building and maintaining relationships with whānau and tamariki in order to help each tamaiti reach their full potential. 

Monet-Mei Clarke (Kaiako - Manukura) 

Monet-Mei comes from a whānau seeped in education and Te Ao Māori. She has strengths in planning and organisation and is enthusiastic about guiding our tamariki Māori on their reo-rua journey!

Jarrod Waetford  (Kaiako Kapa haka/Te Reo Māori) 


We are very lucky to have Matua Jarrod with us each Tuesday. He uses his superb talents to tutor our kapa haka and also works across the kura auraki teaching Te Reo Māori.

Bella Mano (Kaiārahi i te Reo)


Whaea Bella has been at Rosebank since 1995  and has seen her tamariki and mokopuna go through this school. Whaea Bella holds the invaluable role of kaumatua for our whānau and the kura and also the role of leading Te reo Māori advancement in the school. The tamariki love her!

Grant O'Connor (Kaiako/Te Reo Māori) 

Grant is another amazing tāne Māori role model for our tama Māori, adding his reo, mātauranga and invaluable rakuraku skills to the team. Grant currently covers release time once a week in Te Whānau o Pātiki. 


We have three akomanga in our unit:

  • Manu Pīrere- Year 0-2
  • Manukura-Year 3-4
  • Kahukura-Year 5-6


We follow a mix of the Mataiaho (NZC) and the principles within Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (Māori Medium) as well as using our locally derived curriculum to guide us. We are currently working alongside our iwi- Te Kawerau a Maki to continue to develop ways of incorporating local history, purākau and mātauranga into our curriculum. 

We use a dual-language approach to language acquisition. Due to our unique urban school demographic, we understand that using a learner's first language (in most cases English) to build their heritage language (Te Reo Māori) is the most effective way to develop both languages simultaneously. Currently, we are funded as a Level 3 (31-50% Māori used during instruction), but our goal is to use upwards of 50% by the end of 2024 to be reassessed at a Level 2 (51-80%).

History of the Unit

Te Whānau o Pātiki has been part of Rosebank School for over 20 years and was founded by a group of community members wanting a space for their tamariki residing in the Avondale area. It has grown from a single class to now having three classes across all levels. We have recently had our akomanga refurbished and reopened through a beautiful dawn ceremony. We acknowledge the mahi of those who helped to establish and maintain this kaupapa in our school. 

Enrolment in Te Whānau o Pātiki

Nau mai, haere mai. Due to our special character, we do not impose a zone for our dual language units at Te Kura o Pātiki. We have an interview process to ensure whānau are committed to a Māori educational pathway and supporting our kaupapa. If you have any questions or are interested in a reo-rua education for your tamariki please contact Shelby at shelby@rosebank.school.nz.